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The latest news of Fazal Daro

Herbris - the grace of medicine

Expertise in pharmaceuticals

A combination of technical and specialized knowledge of pharmacy and cooperation with the Faculty of Pharmacy of Mashhad.

Knowledge-based products

Production of knowledge-based natural medicinal products with added value on native plants of the province.

HerBeris: Nature and science brand

Description: "HerBeris brand as a scientific symbol and commercial identity of Fazal Daro Khayam Khorasan Company.

health magazine

Fazal Daro

Econoris Accelerator

investment opportunity

Fazal Daru Company has launched a specialized accelerator of the pharmaceutical industry named Econoris in the field of pharmaceutical value chain in the north-east of the country. Econoris Accelerator aims to accelerate specialized startups in the field of biotechnologies, by using its specialized team, which consists of professors and faculty members of Mashhad University of Medical Sciences and industrialists with experience in this field, to provide the necessary training and guidance for It deals with commercialization and industrial production of products and conducting research and development and is trying to make creative ideas go through the path of growth and evolution in a suitable environment as fast as possible and achieve their goal.

Fazal Daro picture gallery

Fazal Daro picture gallery

Fazal Daro picture gallery

Fazal Daro picture gallery

Fazal Daro picture gallery

Fazal Daro picture gallery

Fazal Daro picture gallery

Fazal Daro specialists

Fazal Daro consists of a young and efficient team

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